Now I also learned that rod and cone cells cannot regenerate, if they did no one would be blind.
Another cool thing is that the lens in our eye is held there by suspensory ligaments. Little tiny ligaments hold our lens in place. the human body is so amazing!!! It only gets better, We also have a canal of Shlem which is a tube inside the cilliary body which is constantly producing Aquias Humor. But oh no, the eye does not get filled with this liquid. It is reabsorbed because the eye is constantly producing more than it knows what to do with. Eevntually when you get old you might get Glacoma.
Towards the end of class the discussion of cGMP and GMP was disscused. cGMP keeps Na+ channels open. GMP keeps Na+ channels shut. The Cis-Retinal activates the g-protein which causes a subunit P and activates an enzyme called Adenylate Cyclase which generates GTP and turns it into cGMP and gluamate is released. Every portien has 3 subunits.
The last paragraph is kinda off, it is just what I had in my notes and I cannot remember much about it. If anyone can correct me please do! Have a good Vacation guys!
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could you possibly give credit to our image from
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