Friday, February 8, 2008

Peripheral nervous System

Ok well I had this all typed out at first and then it "disappeared". So here I go again...

The PNS is the nervous tissue found outside the brain and spinal cord. PNS can be divided into two functional systems which are the Somatic Nervous system and the Automatic Nervous system.

There are 31 Spinal nerves. Cervical Nerves = 8 pair. Thoracic Nerves = 12 paris. Lumbar Nerves = 5 pair. Sacral Nerves = 5 paris. The coccygeal Nerves = 1 pair. Add them all up and you get the 31 nerve pairs.

The 3 major plexus are the Cervical Plexus, Bracial Plexus and the Lumbar Plexus. The Cervical Plexus is C1-C5. Remember that C3, C4 and C5 Keep you alive. This is where the Frantic Nerve is located. Most Cervical Injuries happen at C6. But if you get an injury above C5 = YOUR DEAD!

The Bracial plexus contains 5 nerves. The Musculocutaneous nerve, Axillary Nerve, Median Nerve, Radial Nerve, and Ulnar Nereve. They direct sensory info from the skin, joints and tendons such as pain and temp. The Lumbar Plexus is L1-L4. L2, 3 & 4 are the Obturator Nerve. L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 = the Sciatic Nerve which splits into two. Example would be Common Fibular nerve and the Tibial Nerve (leg and shin). The Pudendal Nerve is S2, 3 & 4 - Keeps your penis off the floor (if you have one).

Then we talked about the Parasympathetic Nervous system and the Sympathetic Nervous system. The PNS is "feed and breed" and in a male is the cause of Erection. The SNS is "fight or flight" and is the cause of ejaculation in the male. . They both release Ach. Sympathetic is much more of a mass discharge.


Dana said...

Nice job on getting your blog set up...the info. in your first post is really great! C3,4,5 - is actually the phrenic nerve (to the diaphragm) - but I like "frantic nerve"...

Brianna said...

I love all the little phrases to help us remember..they really work! Before A&P I never knew that the PNS was responsible for the "feed and breed" response, and that the CNS was responsible for the "fight of flight" response. Thanks to Dana, I dont think i'll ever forget that the Pudendal nerve keeps your penis off the floor..haha..nice blog! :)